Northwestern CLT House

What a privilege!

When you meet new clients who are committed to sustainability and challenge you to re-evaluate everything, spectacular things are bound to happen.

This is how this home came to be the first residential project in the city designed and built using Cross Laminated Timber or CLT.

The Environment

Three majestic trees including two Champlain Oaks and one Sugar Maple occupied the site and directed the home's design from the beginning.

The aim was to sculpt the volumes of the home around the existing trees. Preserving the trees not only created a unique and beautiful design for the home but also made it look like it had been there all along.

Design Insight : 100 Years Challenge

A minimal environmental footprint was the key driver for every decision that was made during the project. Every input needed to last 100 years in order to be included in the project. Great efforts were made to use only Canadian made, locally sourced inputs wherever possible.

Custom Coffee & Matcha Bar

Custom Coffee & Matcha Bar

Moody tones and warm wood set the tone for this coffee & matcha bar. We love creating spaces that our special for our clients and that perfectly suit them.

Exposed CLT behind the staircase is the central spine for the home, connecting and unifying its three volumes.

What Is CLT Anyway?

Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) is an engineered wood product that can be used as a structural element as an alternative to concrete. It provides amazing carbon capture, is made from a renewable resource and offers incredible thermal and esthetic advantages.


Builder: Sanchez Homes

Building Science Engineer: Bautechnik

Structural engineer: Moses Structural Engineering

CTL Installer: MCH Construction

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